

I am glad I have been able to visit all the communities of the province and get a feel of the province and meet as many confreres of the province.  I thank you for the warm welcome you gave me and for accepting me as your new provincial superior. I had been hoping that this responsibility would not come to me. However, I have accepted this challenging and demanding ministry of animation and governance fully conscious of my limitations and relying on the unconditional love of God, His Grace, the guiding hand of Mother Mary, St. John Bosco, the good will and trust of my dear confreres and support of all the friends and collaborators of the province.  As your new provincial, I promise you my affection and dedication as a humble servant of the Lord and a devoted son of our Blessed Mother.  May Don Bosco remain our guide and inspirations in our special predilection for the young and the marginalized.

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