Deacon Jerin Devassia Kulathingal (INN) along with Deacon Thandel Joseph (INK) were ordained priests on 30th December 2020 at St. Joseph’s Church, Polloorampara, by Most Rev. Dr. Remigiose Inchhananiyil, Bishop of Thamarassery.

The ordination ceremony embellished with devotion was also graced by the presence of Fr. Jose Mathew (Provincial Of New Delhi), Fr. Joyce Mathew (Provincial of Bangalore), Fr. Jose Thomas, Salesians, priests, religious and limited number of faithful due to the restrictions of Covid-19. Bishop Remigiose appreciated the number of vocations from Polloorampara which is a gift of God due to the faith of the people of the parish. He also expressed that due to the selfless service of Salesians in the Diocese, there are ordinations of four Salesians this year from the Diocese of Thamarassery. Quoting Don Bosco innumerable times, the Bishop spoke about the dignity of Priesthood and that it is the best gift of God to a family. The Bishop sincerely thanked the family members for offering the newly ordained to God and to the Church and exhorted them to pray for the fidelity of priests.

The motto of newly ordained Fr. Jerin Kulathingal is …Shepherd his flock…” (Micah 5:4)

The Salesian Province of New Delhi congratulates Fr. Jerin Devassia Kulathingal and wishes him fulfilment in the service of God’s people, especially the poor young people.

Fr. Babu Varghese SDB

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