On hearing of the death of Fr. V. J. Sebastian, Vadakethannikal, SDB (74), at 6.45 pm on 14th April 2021, a pall of gloom descended upon Don Bosco Vocational Training Centre at Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh.

While walking in front of the residence of Don Bosco Vocational Training Centre, Jhansi at around 2,45 p.m., Fr. Sebastian had a fall. Immediately Fr. Rinoy Cherpanath and his team rushed him to St. Jude’s Hospital, Jhansi, where his soul slipped away to eternity so quietly. His mortal remains were laid to rest on 15th April, 2021 morning in the Diocesan cemetery meant for priests at Jhansi. Another familiar voice, another footstep, a shared memory has suddenly disappeared and cannot be recreated. It is so hard to believe that the final moments went so fast.

Expressing the sorrow, Fr. Bijoy Parackal, Rector of Don Bosco Jabalpur writes: “We trust in God’s mercy who prepared you sufficiently through your illness in the recent months and retirement from active ministry.”

In his message Mr. Harold Carver,, Principal of St. Stephen’s School, Chandigarh stated: “Fr. Sebastian was the embodiment of Jesus and Don Bosco in his closeness and service to the poor. He did not wait for the poor to come to him but sought them out in order to serve them.”

With appreciation for the apostolate done by Fr. Sebastian, Fr. Mathew Kalathunkal who was a close friend says: “Fr. V. J. Sebastian was a man of action and enthusiasm. He did much good work, especially for the poor youth.”

Fr. Sebastian worked zealously as a grassroot missionary in Arunachal Pradesh, championed the cause of young at risk (YAR) in Trivandrum, cared for the poor children of Ashalayam in New Delhi and took various initiatives for street children and the less privileged in Chandigarh. The sentiments of the Salesian Province of New Delhi are echoed in the words of Dr. Scaria Thuruthiyil, Professor at Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) who says: “We will miss your simple, humble, smiling and ever ready to help presence.”

A Requiem Holy Mass was offered in Don Bosco Provincial House, Okhla at 5.30 pm on 15th April, 2021. The Salesian Province of New Delhi prayed for his eternal repose and for the solace of all who mourn his demise, especially his family, the Salesians in Jhansi community and all the confreres of the Salesian Province of New Delhi.

After giving a quick glimpse at the life of Fr. Sebastian during the Eucharist, Fr. Davis Maniparamben, Provincial of New Delhi Province spoke of Fr. Sebastian as a Salesian who was committed to the young at risk (YAR) and has done much work in our centres at Ashalayam Delhi, Chandigarh, Jhajjar in Haryana and Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh. He was a  person who cared for the children on the streets. Fr. Jose Kuruvichira, Provincial of Dimapur and Fr. Jose Koyickal, Provincial of Bangalore, remembered him with gratitude for the years of service in their provinces. The Salesians of the Province shared their personal experience of Fr. Sebastian and unravelled the bulk load of memories they had of him. All affirmed that many poor children and youth benefitted from his various initiatives in different parts of India.

“Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower,

We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind.

May these lines from William Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood”, help us to find inspiration to have predilection for the poor and young at risk.


Fr. Babu Varghese SDB

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