Delhi looks “normal”. Rickshaws, autos, taxis supposed to be on the road. Buses are carrying people from place to place. Shops are open as per the odd and even plan. Delhi seems to be “normal”.

Fr. Swanoop and his team interacted with several migrants, listened to their cry…. cry for help, a help to get back to their hometowns not to return further. They have nothing to eat, no work. An auto driver narrated these words to Fr. Swanoop: “I have taken an auto on rent for Rs..300/ per day. It’s already half past two and I haven’t earned anything till now, how will I pay the rent.” There are many other stories to listen, if you ears to listen…

Today Ashalayam, New Delhi completed 51 days of reaching out to the needy with cooked food, milk, fruits, Biscuits, egg etc. Probably they need much more help than just food alone.

People cannot wait any more in Delhi. They have started walking to their villages in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Orissa. Ashalayam hopes to provide food for the travellers and slippers for their feet.

Fr. Babu Varghese SDB

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