Archdiocese of Ranchi
St. John Bosco – 2003

Historical Perspective

Don Bosco Youth and Educational Services, Ranchi (DBYES) was blessed and inaugurated on 2nd February 2003. With nearly half the institutions of our province situated in Chotanagpur region, it was one of the dreams of the newly erected province to have an effective youth animation centre in Ranchi the capital of Jharkhand, that will reach out to the youth of the whole region. It was also the dream of His Emminence Telesphore Cardinal P. Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi, who helped us with land in Bariatu, besides his pastoral encouragement and support. The construction of the Centre was delayed due to legal problems. The first phase of the building was completed under the care of Frs. Charles Lobo and Henry Kunrawat of Kokar. Fr. Johny Padinjareparampil was its first Director. In his dynamic and inimitable style he has laid a solid foundation for the centre and has reached out to almost 1500 youngsters and over 500 teachers and youth animators through the empowering and capacity building animation programmes. The centre is also envisaged as a media centre providing literature and audio-visual aids for catechesis and youth animation in Hindi. It also houses the editorial office of Don Bosco, the Salesian Bulletin in Hindi. The house is attached to Don Bosco Kokar. In 2007, the parish of Bariatu was entrusted to our care. Fr. Liberatus Bara was its first pastor.



The centre serves the whole of Chottanagpur region, comprising Jharkhand, Orissa and Chattisgarh. It provides residential, non-residential and reach-out training and orientation programmes in faith formation, personal growth and renewal, leadership, youth animation, career guidance, effective education etc. for the youth, youth animators and teachers both in Hindi and English. Its facilities are open also to other organizations that conduct their own programmes.

For Youth
• Formation programmes for building up a committed youth within the Church.
• Awareness, Self Empowerment and Leadership Training programmes for High School and College students as well as for unorganized youth in rural and urban setting.
• Retreats, Orientation and Value Education Programmes for High School and College students.
• Vocation Orientation and Career Guidance Programmes for youth.
• Youth Fests and Youth Meets to encourage creative expressions through music, dance, acting etc.

For Youth Animators And Teachers
• One Month / Ten Day Youth Animators’ Training Programmes for teachers, priests, religious and lay youth leaders interested in youth ministry.
• Five Day Capacity Building Programmes for school and college teachers, hostel in charge, social workers and others working for youth.

For Priests, Religious and those in Formation
• Awareness and Self Empowerment programmes.
• Principle Centered Leadership Training Programmes for religious superiors, heads of educational institutions and social workers.
• For Parents
• Seven Habits of Highly Effective Parents & Make a Happy Home Programme for parents of teenagers and youth.


The parish of Bariatu was entrusted to the care of Salesians in June 2006. Fr. Liberatus Bara was the first pastor, who served the parish for two years. Earlier, the parish was being looked after by the Archdiocese of Ranchi. It has not been officially handed to the Salesians. There are about 330 Catholic families with 1600 Catholic population. As the city of Ranchi is expanding, many families are coming to Bariatu.

Archdiocese of Ranchi
(2005) 2014 – St.John Bosco

Youth Animation, Communication, Pastoral Service / Parish


Don Bosco Youth and Educational Services,
Bharomtoli, Bosconagar, Bariatu,
Ranchi, JHARKHAND 834 009


(0651) 25 476 29 House
+91 8051095609 P Kujur Ashok
+91 7070605085 P Kujur Sikander
+91 7750800975 P Toppo Kapil
+91 8383018172 P Kindo Deepak
+91 7771819376 P Xalxo Bhushan


ashokachere@gmail.com P Kujur Ashok
skujur476@gmail.com P Kujur Sikander
kapiltoppo9@gmail.com P Toppo Kapil Bruno
deepakkindosdb@gmail.com P Kindo Deepak Damien
bhushansdb25@gmail.com P Xalxo Bhushan Paul

Salesian Staff

P Kujur Ashok Rector (2014), Youth Dir, Sal. Bulletin
P Kujur Sikander Admin, APP
P Toppo Kapil Bruno VR & PP
P Kindo Deepak Damien Asst. Youth Dir., Cs
P Xalxo Bhushan Paul Vocation Promoter, SA:
Coord: Vocational Guidance

Community Activity

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