Archdiocese of New Delhi
St. John Bosco – 1971

Historical Perspective

The Don Bosco Technical Institute (ITI recognized) with hostel facilities was opened in 1971. In 1992, the Computer Centre was started. It offers 1 Year ITI Diploma Course, Crash Courses of shorter duration for beginners as well as advanced students. In 1996, the School of Printing with facilities in DTP, Pre-Press and Printing was inaugurated. There is a hostel for outstation students. The house was canonically erected on 27 April 1971.

Don Bosco, Okhla is the oldest house in our young province. Immediately after the inauguration of the province, in April 1997, the house celebrated its silver Jubilee, recalling its 25 years of service to the needy young people of Delhi and other States of North India. Right from the beginning it had a hostel to cater to the students coming from the middle and lower income groups. At present there are 350 students in the school of which more than 100 reside in the hostel.


Technical Education

Don Bosco Okhla has seen a lot of progress in these past years. In the Technical section, the machine shop was modernized with Computerized Numerically Controlled machines and other precision machines. Tool Design, Mechanical Desktop and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technician courses have been introduced for the better employment opportunities.

The Don Bosco Printing School has been affiliated to ICSE for 2 years of Printing Technology course. The printing press has been registered as a separate society to make it viable and facilitate its functioning. The department has also begun one-year course in Graphics design.

The Computer centre has been upgraded and accredited to DOEACCE for O and A level courses besides the normal ITI course to facilitate better training and employment.

Don Bosco Technical Institute today is regarded, even in government circles, as a model institute. Government officials and Technical Education Departments bring to our institute visiting foreign dignitaries. Students of this institute have received number one rank in the country for the trade of Machinist, in the All India Skill Competition held year by year. And the institute itself is being ranked as the best Industrial Training Centre, in the trade of Machinist by Directorate General of Employment and Training by the Ministry of Labour.

Fr. George Nadackal (N.V), Superintendent of the Technical, and Fr. John Kuzhikottayil (K.C), Manager of the Press & In-Charge of Computer section, are mainly responsible for the updating and improvement brought into their departments.

Archdiocese of New Delhi
1971 – St. John Bosco
Vocational Training Centre, Hostel


Don Bosco Technical Institute
Okhla Road, Jamianagar P.O.
NEW DELHI 110 025


011) 41033899 Reception
+91 9810157244 Printing Dept.
+919643868820 Reception
+91 9873045761 P CA Joseph
+91 7838559605 L Cyriac
+91 9810157244 P Sajan
+91 7840840782 L Lakra Herman
+91 9205257395 L CJ Tom
+91 9496988278 L Mathew John


dbtiokhla@yahoo.com House / Institute
info@dbti.in Technical Institute
boscopress@gmail.com Press
cajoseph40@gmail.com Rector

URL: www.dbti.in (info, placement, mech. jobworks, print jobworks)

P Chittattukalam Joseph Rector (2015)
P Kappiyankal Sajan M. George VR, Manager Printing
P Arokiadass Maria Dean, Boarding IC., Cs
L Lakra Herman Asst. Manager Printing, Cs
L Chempakathinal Thomas (Tom) Pr, House Admin.Cs
L Kurias Cyriac Admin, Coord.For Upgradation
of Tech.Insti.,Prdn Inc
L Puthanangady Mathew John Multi Media Teacher
S Gidh Robinson Asst & Teacher (PT2)


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