DOCTORAL THESIS DEFENCE: Stress Level and Personality among the Employees of Tyre Industry in South India

In accordance with the Ph.D. regulations of Thiruvalluvar University, Serkkadu, Vellore, the Public Viva-Voce examination of Fr. Sajan M. George SDB, Department of Management Studies, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy, was held on 26th March, 2021 at 11.00 am in the Presentation Hall, John Med Block of Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur.

The defence of the Doctoral thesis of Fr. Sajan M. George titled ‘Stress Level and Personality among the Employees of Tyre Industry in South India’ took place on 26th March 2021 in the presence of external examiner Dr. A. K. Sheik Manzoor, Associate Professor from Anna University. The Viva–Voce examination was well attended by people of various walks of life like Professors, Principals, Teachers, Leaders, University Representatives, Staff Members, Research Scholars and Students. Since there were possibilities of attending the Viva–Voce, virtual and physical, there were considerable participants attending it from various parts of the world.

After the candidate defended his thesis and answered all the questions raised by the audience and the examiners, the external examiner together with the internal examiner have highly recommend to the University to award Ph. D. Degree in Management Studies to Fr. Sajan M. George SDB.

Congratulations Dr. Sajan. The day brings joy and smile because you combined your knowledge and talent with effort to make your dream true. We are proud of the fact that you have the power to rise above any situation and deliver the best results no matter the circumstances. Excellent work!

Fr. Babu Varghese SDB

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