A One-day workshop on Capacity Building for Teachers was organized by Don Bosco School, Gumla on 18th June, 2022. The animator of the day’s programme was Fr. Ashok Sandil S.J.
At the very outset the resource person emphasized the fact that teachers are like pencil. They write the future of the students. They cannot but leave a mark behind them. Good or bad, they will leave a legacy. The Speaker dwelt on the topicslike Importance of teacher’s positive attitude,Creating friendly-learning climate in the class room and Self-Esteem of a teacher.
Fr. Sandil further put five points for a better pedagogical experience with the students:
· Experience, Reflection, Action, Context, Evaluation
The programme was interactive and experiential. Through different videos and Power Point Presentations, the resource person was able to make the teachers reflect on the role and responsibilities of an effective teacher. Some of the questions for reflection asked by the resource person were: Who am I ? Who are you? Why did you become a teacher ? What are the common problems of your school ?
The teachers were divided into different groups and the above said topics were discussed. Then each group was invited to share the personal discoveries of the group. The sharing session was quite an eye-opening as the various nuances of teacher-student relationship were highlighted.
Finally, the teachers were asked to pick up phrases or sentences which made and impact on them. Some of the key phrases picked up the teachers were: · I am God’s Creation, Every child is important, Focus on all-round development, Know the students, Be happy in every situation, Be empathetic towards the students, Be impartial, Seeing beyond what is seen, Teachers are the builders of the nation, Get connected with the students, Ability to correct the mistakes of the students, Update oneself time to time.
The teachers found the programme very informative and a moment of personal growth for them. They were happy that it helped them to make an inner journey of their life.
Augustine Toppo SDB