Down the Memory Lane

New Delhi, Okhla, April 14, 2018: Past pupil of Don Bosco Technical Institute, Okhla had a get together with Fr. George Nadackal on 14th April 2018.

The Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. George Nadackal and con-celebrated by C.A. Joseph, commenced at 5.30 p.m. More than 100 past pupils participated in the celebration.

An informal gathering was organized at DBTI hall. The Past pupils sang melodious songs, rejuvenating a youthful vigour in everyone. The atmosphere of cheerfulness reminded the sayings of Don Bosco “A house without music is like a body without a soul.”  One of the best moments of the gathering was the sharing of the past experiences at DBTI. Everyone invariably attributed their successful life-story to Fr. George, for being a mentor, a guide and a strict disciplinarian. A systematic follow-up and a good education helped them to face the realities of life. It was astonishing to know, a huge contingent of past pupils travelled miles to meet Fr. George; one among them flew all the way from Dubai. It was certainly an expression of appreciation to Fr. George, whom they consider as a living Don Bosco.

A fellowship meal was shared by everyone at 8.15 p.m. A mere gesture of coming together and sharing, undoubtedly cemented the bond of love and “Guru-Shishya” relationship.

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