8th February 2021 will be recalled in the history of the Salesian Province of New Delhi as its leadership was handed over from Rev. Fr. Jose Mathew to Rev. Fr. Davis Maniparamben, the new Provincial Superior.
As the Salesian Province of New Delhi celebrates with joy the Silver jubilee of its erection, the Province recalled with grateful hearts the myriad of blessings and acknowledged the Lord – the Good Shepherd, for his presence and action in the Province. The Province remembered with affection and appreciation all the confreres of the province, benefactors, well-wishers and members of the Salesian Family who shared in the building up of the province.
The Province expressed gratitude to the outgoing provincial Fr. Jose Mathew for his hard labour, patient endeavours, and wide outlook in nurturing the Salesian Province of New Delhi through its teen age transition to adult maturity and prepared the Province to enter its silver years. Fr. Jose has reformed the institutions and led to the steady growth of its mission for poor youth.
During the Eucharistic celebration which began at 5.00 pm on 8th February 2021 in DBTI Okhla Chapel, the Province entrusted into the loving hands of the Lord Rev. Fr. Davis Maniparamben as he began his mandate as the Fifth Provincial of the Salesian Province of Jesus the Good Shepherd. After the words of introduction by Fr. Babu Varghese, Provincial Councillor, it was with a deep sense of gratitude and contentment that Rev. Fr. Jose Mathew welcomed Rev. Fr. Biju Michael, General Councillor for South Asia, Rev. Fr. Davis Maniparamben and everyone present to the Eucharistic celebration and to the historic moment of the installation of the new Provincial. Fr. Joseph Kezhakkekara read the Decree from Rev. Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, Rector Major of the Society of St. Francis De Sales delegating Fr. Biju Michael Pulianmackal to officiate at this installation ceremony. Rev. Fr. Biju Michael officiated at the installation ceremony, read the decree of nomination of Rev. Fr. Davis Maniparamben to the office of Provincial Superior and administered the profession of faith and the oath of fidelity. Fr. Charles Lobo and Fr. Michael Peedikayil, the second and third Provincials of the Province of New Delhi were the two official witnesses for this ceremony.
Rev. Fr. Biju Michael lit the Jubilee Lamp and inaugurated the Silver Jubilee year of the Province. The four Provincials of New Delhi Province namely Fr. Joseph Kezhakkekara, Fr. Charles Lobo, Fr. Michael Peedikayil and Fr. Jose Mathew also joined him to light the lamp in the order of their term of office. Then Fr. Jose Mathew gave a lighted candle to Fr. Davis Maniparamben, the new Provincial of the Province, expressing the change of leadership, symbolizing continuity and kindling commitment.
The perfectly-planned Eucharistic celebration and installation ceremony by Fr. Babu Varghese in Don Bosco, Okhla chapel with beautiful floral decorations, melodious singing by DBTI, Okhla, prayer of the faithful led by eight new priests of the province and the Jubilee prayer prepared by Fr. Johny Padinjareparambil uplifted the thoughts, feelings and emotions of everyone to the divine. The offertory procession based on the Panchamahabhootas, namely sky, air, fire, water and earth reminded the assembly of the role of five natural elements on human life and wellness.
The Salesian Province of New Delhi moves into the future with rekindled hope, unflagging vitality and will continue to touch the lives of the young through loving, joyful and lifegiving interventions.

Fr. Babu Varghese SDB

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