We the Salesian

The Salesians of Don Bosco, (SDB) are an international Roman Catholic Religious Order of men dedicated to be signs and bearers of the love of God for young people, especially those who are disadvantaged. Founded by Saint John Bosco in Italy during the Nineteenth Century, we now number about 16000 Priests and Brothers, present in 128 different countries all over the world.

Wherever we work, the development of the young, through education and evangelization is the focus of all our concern; because we believe that our total dedication to the young is our best gift to humanity. Saint John Bosco said, “I have promised God that I would give of myself to my last breath for my poor boys.”

In the Salesian province of New Delhi, India, Jesus, The Good Shephered as our patron, we are over 160 Salesians (Priests and Brothers) working from 23 communities, with responsibility for schools, parishes, young at risk, youth work, animation centres and social development works. We collaborate with other members of the Salesian Family including the Salesian Sisters, Cooperators, Past Pupils. We also collaborate with the other Religious Orders for the betterment of society.

You can share our charism, The Salesian Way, by working for the poor and marginalized youth. We are committed to spread the Gospel message of peace, love and harmony to the places we work.

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